Bit slicer kingdom
Bit slicer kingdom

bit slicer kingdom

Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: He finishes off Vexen and arranges Zexion's death at the hands of the Riku Replica.

#Bit slicer kingdom series

He carried out a series of betrayals throughout the series and killed several of his allies ruthlessly for his own motives and sometimes just for his personal enjoyment. Ax-Crazy: Like Larxene, he pretended to enjoy hurting others and also flashed a wide grin at such moments.Axel's inquiring eventually led him to discover what Xion really is, and the information weighed extremely heavy on his mind thereafter. Awful Truth: Axel became concerned enough about how often Xion fainted and how badly Saïx treated her that he started grilling Saïx for an explanation.Fitting for a guy who tends towards quips even in the most dire or tragic of circumstances. Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: While it's pretty obvious what powers he has based on his Elemental Hair Colors, that same spiky mass of wild, red hair combined with those inverted tear-drop markings below his eyes give him a vaguely clown-like appearance.Ascended Extra: He got an extended role in II after his role in Chain of Memories was popularly received, though he still ended up dying in that game.

bit slicer kingdom

His sacrifice helps him complete the change to full-blown hero when he returns as Lea as of 3D.

  • Anti-Villain: Introduced as a ruthless and manipulative bastard in Chain of Memories, but mellowed out in his subsequent appearances, as he becomes fast friends with Roxas and Xion.
  • So much so that former Grump Barry Kramer cites it as the sole reason Axel survives Castle Oblivion.
  • Anime Hair: Usual for the series, but his is a particularly bad case.
  • Affably Evil: Although he initially he started off as Faux Affably Evil as listed below he developed into this over time thanks to his friendship with Roxas and Xion.
  • While he always expressed the intent to kill Namine to get to Marluxia in their confrontation, in the manga, he's more eager to do so and actually gets a successful attack on them. In the game, this did not happen as Axel says Kairi "got away from him" before being caught by Saïx, and Kairi is initially wary of Axel when he comes back as Lea which shows no bond was ever developed between them and he never tried to rescue her.
  • Another case is his kidnapping of Kairi, where they actually bond and begin to cooperate with each other before Saïx kidnaps her from him, and Axel becomes wounded trying to save her.
  • An example being his final fight with Roxas, where he is still trying to get through to him in the manga and intends to burning the mansion down to be Together in Death with him in the novels, while he is fully committed to straight-up killing him in the game.

    bit slicer kingdom

    Adaptational Nice Guy: In the KH2 manga and novels.

    Bit slicer kingdom